Thursday, March 09, 2006

March 12 Devotion


Reading: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Lenten is traditionally know as the time for trying to make changes in our lives (for 40 days). People have been known to give up chocolate, coffee, desserts, colas, etc., etc. But where do we go from here?

In our Lectionary reading Abraham was ninety-nine years old and Sarah was ninety. God came to them to make what looked like a deal. It was a holy promise for all generations, a binding agreement. God's expectation was for them to walk before him and be blameless...He told them, "I will make nations of you and kings shall come from you." You know the story. Abraham fell on his face in laughter. How hopeless could this be, to have children at their ages and to expect to have kings to come from their lineage? But Abraham believed God and what He said He would do. He bought into God's desire, and Abraham and God made a covenant. Abraham and his family received a priceless gift in return

Just maybe we are going about this all wrong. God has priceless gifts for us also and not just for 40 days. What would God have us to do to be blameless and to walk with him? Instead of giving up, perhaps we should be giving. Time, talent, gifts, and service. A covenant that commits us and our families to walk before God. Knowing from the story in Genesis what God did for Abraham and Sarah and the blessings that they have received what wonderful blessings can we expect to receive

Holy Father, help us to recommit to the covenant that Abraham made. Help us to see what you would have us to do, help us to be loyal members of Christ's church and to allow the holy spirit to lead us in all that we would do that we might do it to glorify you. Amen

Marilyn Holleron


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