Sunday, April 09, 2006

April 10 Devotion

Lectionary Reading: John 12:1-11
Verse 3: Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus' feet and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

I had my very first professional pedicure the other day. It was a gift from a friend or I probably would not have invested the time or the money in something that I've always considered a little frivolous. I also never thought anyone would be totally comfortable caring for my feet. After all, feet are not considered my/our best feature even though I take care to maintain my "foot-hygiene". But I must tell you, the whirlpool with herbal water, the sea salt scrub, the moisturizers, nail clipping, smoothing and polishing and massage were absolutely wonderful. It was a respite from the world, a time to relax and be apart. As my feet and ankles were massaged with scented lotion, I forgot that I had other responsibilities and concerns. Aahhh!!

I don't think I paid close attention to this passage in John before. I have been among those in agreement with Judas that it was a costly extravagance, and I would have protested Mary's time and "fruitless" efforts. Judas argued that the perfume was so costly that it would provide assistance for many of the country's poor. A footnote in my Bible states that the cost of the perfume was 300 denarii, which was the equivalent of nearly a year's wages for a laborer. Wow! Would I spend a whole year's wages on perfume to massage into someone else's feet??? Definitely not!!! But Mary provided this gift to Jesus, was not deterred by Judas' protestations and Jesus appreciated it-was truly thankful for her efforts.

After my own pedicure, I can more readily imagine Jesus' reaction to Mary's efforts as she massaged in the perfume and wiped his feet with her hair. Mary provided a respite for Jesus. Only He knew of the events that would take place in His near future. Only He could struggle with the challenges and the burdens that He faced. I can examine Holy Week from my comfortable sofa in my warm cozy house. I can read and study about the Passion from a very safe distance. I'm not personally scarred by the nails or a crown of thorns or humiliated by religious and governmental leaders. Jesus walked that lonesome valley for me.

I think the message in the scriptures today is about gifts. Mary gave Jesus a costly and extravagant gift. Not only was the perfume expensive, but she presented the gift with her own hands providing the human touch. Jesus provided the ultimate extravagant gift on the cross for all of us: a human sacrifice-willing, without sin, without protest, with pain beyond measure. He paid the ultimate price. And all of it-this gift--was for you and for me.....Are we worth the price? God showed us through the sacrifice of His Son that we are. Jesus provided a personal gift of redemption for each of us.

The lyrics below are from a song learned at church camp many years ago. The words have been floating around in my brain as I thought about this devotion. As with most songs, It would be more meaningful if you could also hear the tune, but I think you can imagine...

They hung Him on the cross; They hung Him on the cross; They hung Him on the cross for me, for me... One day when I was lost, they hung Him on the cross. They hung Him on the cross for me.

They nailed Him to the tree; They nailed Him to the tree; They nailed Him to the tree for me, for me...One day when I was lost, they nailed Him to the tree. They nailed Him to the tree for me.

They pierced Him in the side; They pierced Him in the side; They pierced Him in the side for me, for me...One day when I was lost, they pierced Him in the side. They pierced Him in the side for me.

They sealed Him in the tomb; They sealed Him in the tomb; They sealed Him in the tomb for me, for me...One day when I was lost, they sealed Him in the tomb. They sealed Him in the tomb for me.

He rose up from the grave; He rose up from the grave; He rose up from the grave for me, for me....One day when I was lost, He rose up from the grave. He rose up from the grave for me.

Prayer: Dear Father, as we ponder the painful events of this Holy Week and the ultimate and glorious gift of eternal life available to us through the resurrection of Easter morning, let us not lose sight of the personal gift that Jesus gave us. We thank you for Mary's example to give our best to the Lord. Help us to open our hearts more fully to receive the gifts of redemption. Guide us to use our time and resources according to your will. May the gift of God's love for us be visible to the world in all that we say and do. Amen.

Chyrl Budd


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