Saturday, March 10, 2007

March 10 Devotion

John 7:1-13

Several winters ago a colleague of mine and I attended a cardiology conference in Snowshoe, WV. The educational conference was structured so that there was plenty of time to enjoy skiing and other winter activities.

During one of these blocks of time, we were cajoled into believing we could learn how to become our own versions of Jean-Claude Killy. We took a lesson from the ski patrol instructors and got the basics honed to a very dull edge on the “bunny slope”.

After an hour or so of mastering this terrain along with the other 5-12 year olds, a nervous mother convinced us that we were just terrific and the slope adjoining ours was much wider and would provide a higher degree of pleasure and that we just had to try it. After all we could stop, turn, get on and off the lift, so what could happen?

It was not something either of us was prepared for and my friend has recovered most of the feeling in his left arm and the left side of his face.

A little before half way through the Book of John, Jesus’ disciples are trying to persuade him to go into Jerusalem for the Feast of the Tabernacles. Their motives were not so that they could be with him and enjoy his company at this festival, but rather so that Jesus could manifest himself to the people. He very kindly tells them that his time has not yet come for him to show himself and says he will stay behind. Later he goes in a “non public” way. While he was there the Jews did take note of his attendance and discussions arose about his goodness or his deception.

I guess the message for me this Lenten season is that just as Jesus did, we need to prepare and wait for our time when Jesus may manifest himself to us. This time should be spent in preparation so that when Easter Sunday arrives we can enjoy the blessings and true joy of the Resurrection moment.

Mike Bowen


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