Friday, April 06, 2007

April 6 Devotion

Please read John 13:36-38

Before Jesus was arrested, Peter boldly and confidently proclaimed to Jesus that he was with him to the end. But Jesus warned him that, no, he would deny having anything to do with him. In fact he would deny him three times before morning.

Have you ever made a big, righteous pronouncement…only to be smacked down?

I imagine that Peter wanted to defend himself against such an outrageous claim. How could Jesus even suggest that he, Peter, would deny him? I imagine Peter rehearsing over in his mind their relationship, and Peter’s obedience, and his position within the inner circle of Jesus’ very closest friends.

After all, this was Peter who dropped his nets—no questions asked—in obedience to Jesus’ summons to follow him. This was Peter, who was with Jesus at Capernaum when Jesus first cast out demons. This was Peter, who traveled with Jesus and witnessed, first hand, how he turned water into wine, how he healed paraplegics, how he gave sight to the blind; this was Peter, who witnessed how he could calm even a storm; this was Peter, who witnessed how Jesus could give thanks for resources that appeared scarce, and then feed 5000 people; this was Peter, who when summoned, walked onto the water to meet Jesus; this was Peter, who witnessed the very Transfiguration of Jesus.

How could Peter have denied Jesus? I’m sure glad I’m not like that.

No, I’m with Jesus to the end. And shame on anyone who isn’t. I denied myself, took up a cross, and followed Jesus.

I mean, I didn’t completely deny myself. Who’s going to take care of me if I don’t? And my family? The girls have a lot of needs, and college isn’t too far in the future. Let’s not get radical. I gave up some for Jesus.

And maybe I didn’t go everywhere Jesus wanted me to go. But there are only so many hours in a day. And gas is over $2.00 a gallon. One person can only do so much. Besides, charity begins at home.

And, ok, maybe I went some places that Jesus didn’t want me to go, but let’s not meddle!

When I think of the ways I deny Jesus daily; when I think of the ways I have failed to love God or to love my neighbor as myself, I am humbled. All I can do is to seek forgiveness.

Dear God, forgive us for the ways we deny you; by your spirit give us strength to be the people who give witness to your love, that the world may be transformed.

Jeff Taylor


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