Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Devotional 2-20-08

Soon I will be teaching Sunday school for the first time. I was nervous about the lesson. A wise friend told me to work on what I wanted to say, and then God would say what he wanted. So it is with this Lenten Devotion. I was going to write about giving up anger for lent. But as things have progressed, love became the common theme. Not giving it up for lent. Oh, no. But accepting love with an open heart.

So for Lent I am giving up a cold heart in exchange for love, my Heavenly Father’s love.

We are created in our Father’s image. He is proud of us. He loves us unconditionally. Even when we are moving through our lives and stumble he still loves us. What a love to grasp onto! To realize I have that potential within myself. The pure joy of it fills me. How can it not spill out? It connects us one to another. It buoys our souls. It gives purpose and meaning to our lives.

Some of our hearts have been broken and chipped away. But God knows the way to infuse each one of us with his lifesaving love.

Christ personifies this love. He gives us hope, comfort and strength. And so much more.
So yes, for Lent I am giving up my cold chipped heart. The heart he knows and loves anyway.

Judith Lucas



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