Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Devotional 4-3-12

"Change of Plans"
 Lectionary Readings:  Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 71:1-14; 1Corinthians 1: 18-31; John 12: 20-36.
God put me to work from the day I was born.  The moment I entered the world he named me.  He gave me speech that would cut and penetrate.  He kept his hand on me to protect me.  He made me his straight arrow and hid me in his quiver.  He said to me, "You're my dear servant, Israel, through whom I'll shine." Isaiah 49:2-3.

I really thought I would be famous by now.  I knew before I finished school that I was not gifted as a pianist, flautist or vocalist.  So, in my twenties and thirties I had expectations of becoming president of the American Nurses Association or at least the WV Nurses Association.  And since that didn’t work out, I thought I would be acclaimed as an award-winning author.  I didn’t invest the time to actually write anything substantial, but I craved fame and recognition.   I had the illogical thought that I needed to become famous and then I would experience fulfillment of God’s plan for my life.  These were foolish worldly dreams and definitely not God’s plan for my life.

I wonder if the disciples expected that the triumphal Palm Sunday parade was the beginning of a new era in Israel? Did they expect that Rome would be destroyed and Jesus would become the new ruler?  They would get to be the new “cabinet” members with big important jobs in the new government.  They were part of the inner circle and would definitely be given top ranking in a new government.

But God’s plan intervened:  what a radically different world it turned into by Friday afternoon.  Life changes within seconds.  We plan for our future, but circumstances change.  Events cause detours and alterations. Lives turn upside down. We think our life goal is to be famous and then we realize that fame as a life goal is empty and meaningless.  In actuality, God is calling us to a much higher mission than mere earthly fame.

I would really like to know God's whole plan for my life, but so far my vision is unclear.  Some glimpses of the pathway have been revealed at strategic times, and I know that I travel this journey with God. According to Isaiah, He has known my name since the day I was born and has kept his hand on me to protect and guide me. What a miraculous comfort that is to me.  God has led me in several paths I would never have chosen for myself.  He has helped me to work through some overwhelming personal tragedies and life changing events.  He has blessed me with a multitude of fellow travelers who continually light my path and build me up when I cannot see which way to go next. 

Jesus tried to explain the servant-mission plan to the disciples, but they were caught up in their own plans and goals and failed to realize the significance of his message.  We are not very different from those disciples even though we have the benefit of knowing the whole story.  We are given the same promises that they were.  Everything that we have, each fresh start, each new direction or task comes from God. We must be willing to forgo fame and recognition as a goal and become the servant we are called to be.  This servant-mission is infinitely more rewarding and fulfilling because it is what God meant for us to do--be a servant who cares for and about others.    

Dear Loving God, we ask for forgiveness for our failings, sins and shortcomings. We have chosen paths and directions that have been selfish and detrimental to our relationship with you.  We crave your direction for our choices.  Guide us to become a servant to others so that we might fulfill your mission for us. Continue to be our strength and refuge in times when our path is obscured. Help us to learn the lessons of Lent so that we may truly become your resurrected people. AMEN

Chyrl Budd



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