Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 25 Devotion

For those of you who received devotionals last Christmas, perhaps you remember a poem I wrote, entitled, ‘My Journey.’ I apologize for its long length, but I wanted to chronicle the journey I took as a Christian, during my father’s cancer treatment and death. I grew so much, learned so much, and felt the presence of God so strong throughout that painful time. Although it was the most difficult period of my life, I can now say, without hesitation, that my father (both heavenly and earthly) gave me the biggest blessing of my life. That journey opened my eyes to our Lord and his mercy, his strength, his compassion, and yes, even his painful teachings. I needed to go through that experience, so I could see beyond today, and look toward our promise of eternal life. Although I was raised in church, and in a Christian home, I had wrapped myself up in only today: completing college, beginning a career, enjoying friendships, etc. I was no longer seeing today, as a journey toward our ultimate destination...Heaven!

I have never been one to believe that our merciful father deliberately causes us pain, and I still don’t believe that. I don’t believe that God gave my father terminal stomach cancer, that appeared out of nowhere, to teach me a lesson. But, I do believe that God walked me through that time, as I needed to understand why it was all happening. More importantly, I needed to understand that I was not alone. God was walking with our family, holding us up, when we didn’t have the strength to do it ourselves. Friends, both old and new, came into our daily lives. Doctors, both old and new, administered not only to my father’s body, but also to our faith. Family, both near and far, supported us with emails, prayers, phone calls, visits, etc. Never had I experienced such an outpouring of love. Thank you, God!

For those of you going through similar challenges, I hope you gain strength in knowing that the most painful experience of my life is now my greatest blessing. I am a better person. I am a better Christian. All because God helped me look beyond the pain of that day, to see a glimpse at tomorrow. God is walking with us. I am now thoroughly convinced. I saw him. I felt him. He is real. As odd as it may sound, I thank God for that journey, even though it resulted in the loss of my father. That loss, that closed door, has opened a window to my life that will ultimately lead me to a greater tomorrow. And, God has blessed me with so much since that time: a wonderful boyfriend, after 44 years of searching as a single woman, greater patience and understanding with family and friends, after always ‘sweating the small stuff,’ perspective regarding work and personal life, a deeper love for all people, and a renewed faith as a Christian.

So, as I read today’s scripture, Psalms 118, I remember that this is the day the Lord hath made... but, it is only a day leading me to my ultimate destination. I must walk with faith and strength through the trials of each hour...each minute...each second, knowing that God is with me. So, I try to begin each day remembering these words....a poem I wrote, inspired by this Psalm.

This is the day, which the Lord hath made,
from the rise of the sun, til the sunset fades.
I will look to the Lord, as I walk through my day,
Fear will not lead me, I will trust in his way.
And give thanks to the Lord, for all I am given,
Remembering always, my Lord who has risen.

And, when there is strife, temptation, and pain,
I will look to my God, my faith will not wane.
The Lord is my strength, from daybreak to end,
I will walk through this day, with my Savior and friend.

Kelley A. Allison

Evening Prayer

Heavenly Father,

There are times when we think we walk in darkness. We plod along, our eyes on the path in front of us, and we miss seeing your light. We miss the comfort of your presence. We ignore the power and warmth of your love. Forgive us, Father. Deciding to walk with you is sometimes frightening. If we look up, if we don't pay attention to our steps, we fear we might fall. Help us to see you, and to know that your light will illumine our paths and that by following you, we are freed from darkness.

This evening, Lord, we thank you with humble hearts for your presence in our lives. It is with praise and gratitude that we recognize that we never walk alone. You are always with us, comforting us in our distress. You never look away, you never walk away. You will never abandon us. It is with amazement that we realize that you chase us and will not let us escape.

We pray because we have a savior who prayed, and who instructed us to do the same. In his name we give you our grateful hearts. Amen.

Kim Matthews


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