Monday, March 23, 2009

Devotional 3-24-09

“He touched Me”

Today’s lectionary readings are Jeremiah 31: 31-34, Psalm 51: 1-12, Hebrews 5: 5-10, and John 12: 20-33.

In Jeremiah, God mentions the new contract that he will make with the people of Israel and Judah. It will be different than the old contract. He said that He would inscribe His laws in their hearts so that they will want to honor Him. For everyone both great and small shall know me and I will forgive and forget his or her sins. This particular reading always reminds me of the hymn, “Just as I Am”. I always think of my mother and I can still hear her singing it. Many years ago when I was younger than my grandson, Joshua, my mother sang in a trio. They were quite good, singing in church and on the radio. She sang alto.

In Psalm, King David is pleading with God to have mercy on him. He asks God to wash him, to cleanse him. He wanted to be pure again. David does not want the people of Israel to be punished because of his adultery with Bathsheba and his murder of Uriah, her husband. David wants to be punished but begs God not to kill him. He promises to be an example to the people when his heart is again pure. He begs God not to take the Holy Spirit from him. David’s mentioning washing and cleansing, reminds me of baptism and my mother. She did not take it lightly, but when she was ready, she was ready. The minister baptized her by immersion. It was in February and was done in a coal mine water pool. I was the only one with her besides the minister. God had cleansed and restored her as David had prayed to God wash and cleanse him.

In Hebrews, God had chosen Jesus to be the Priest forever. Yet Jesus pleaded while he was on earth to God who was the only one to save Him from a premature death. Jesus had to learn from experience what it was like to obey. Obeying meant suffering. It was after He proved himself perfect in this experience that Jesus became the giver of salvation for all those who obeyed Him.

In John, Philip came to see Jesus during the Passover. Jesus said that if they wanted to see the disciples, he should follow Him because they must be where He was. Jesus talks about what lies ahead of Him. He now has accepted what is to happen, knowing that He will soon die. Those with Philip heard a Voice from the sky about God’s promise; some thought it was an angel or thunder. Jesus said the voice was for their benefit, not His.
Then He mentioned how he would be lifted on the Cross to die. He had learned from experience and accepted his role.

In 2005 I went on a tour of Israel and Egypt. I had always wanted to visit the Holy Land because I felt that there was something I needed to experience. I needed to be emotionally moved closer to God. We visited all the places He had been. I climbed the stairs with all the stations where He fell as He carried the cross. I visited the Church that is built over the place where Jesus was crucified. There was a hole under the a table, that was in front of the statue of Jesus on the cross, where one could actually feel one of the original large stones that had been at the foot of the cross. It was a very crowded room with long lines of people in wheel chairs who would lie flat on the floor to put their hands on the rock. It was very hot and crowded. We visited the Wailing Wall and many other places that are mentioned in the bible. Everything was so commercialized and loud.

The one place that emotionally touched my heart and soul was the Garden of Gethsemane. Our tour guide said the some olive trees are over 2000 years old. The garden was perfectly quite and peaceful. I could imagine Jesus praying alone and could feel His fear of knowing what was about to happen. Then in the distance, I could hear my mother singing, “I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses, He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own.” This was my emotional experience. Jesus had really died on that cross and had risen so that I will see my dear mother again. That is what Easter means to me.

Let us pray.
Heavenly Father, we take your love for granted without considering the price you paid and the reason you paid that price. Fill our hearts, our minds, and our lives with belief in your son, our crucified Savior, that we may receive eternal blessing of your love.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Carol Brown

Mission Response and Prayer focus
March 24: Enjoy sprucing up you house? Give a dime for every saw you have.



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