Saturday, March 21, 2009

Devotional 3-22-09

Forgiving God -
I praise you for the covering of my sin
in soft folds of your garment of love.
I praise you for not accounting to me my iniquity,
nor letting me reckon my value by sin-lists.
I praise you for your hand heavy on me
with gentle urging to draw me out of the toxic silence
that was wasting my very body with guilt.

Forgiving God -
Empty me of my self-sufficient ways and hopes
and pour into me your spirit of repentance.
Create within me the unquenchable desire to forgive
even as I have been forgiven by you.
Lead me to the depths of my heart,
where I can ponder the nature of your holy love
and the unbelievable happiness of freedom from sin.

Forgiving God -
Teach me the simplicity of confession
and the peace of forgiveness as a way
of living among others.
Bridle me against the stubborn willingness
to listen to your guidance.
And help me always choose a posture
of prayer, reconciliation, and trust in
my relationship with others and my joyful
response to you.

~From An Improbable Gift of Blessing: Prayers and Affirmations to Nurture the Spirit

Submitted by Rev . David Johnson

Mission Prayer and Response Focus:
March 22: Pray for the Ministry of the House of the Carpenter
March 22-28: We celebrate the ministry of the House of the Carpenter in Wheeling, Gary Beale director
They seek to provide services for people who are hungry, poor, disadvantaged, or oppressed. They have developed long range programs to address the root causes of these conditions. They have a food bank, clothing center which sees hundred of people every day and a free clinic. Home repairs are an important part of this mission.



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