Monday, March 02, 2009

Devotional 3-3-09

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
(from Sarai's perspective and in modern language)

I love surprises, particularly when I know exactly when they are going to happen and exactly how they're going to be. I might be a bit of a control freak. But who really likes uncertainty? Not me. Last night when my husband returned home, he told me the craziest thing. OK, I know he talks to God sometimes, and that's good. But apparently God has been talking to him, and I don't like what God had to say. We are in our nineties and we've never been blessed with children, but according to Abram (who is now insisting on being called Abraham) we are going to be parents. In fact we will be the ancestors of multitudes of nations. God says that I will have a son, and that over time, kings of nations will come from me. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life, and I have lived a long one. It's just not possible. There is no way we can be parents. How is this going to take place? When is this going to take place? Why is Abraham (notice how I'm playing along) changing my name too, from Sarai to Sarah?

What's next? Moving? With my luck, the next time Abraham comes in from one of his talks with God, God will have told him to pack up all our belongings, our animals, our servants, everything we own and go somewhere else. We won't even know where we are supposed to go, how to get there or anything. I want to know exactly what the future is bringing and I want to know now.


There is always uncertainty about the future, loving God, but it seems especially so now. People are losing their jobs and many wonder how they will provide for their families. Some have to relocate. Many don't know how certain their futures are in this economy and with the world the way it is. We thought we were safe. We liked our predictable lives. Help us to trust that you are present throughout the changes and in the midst of the uncertainties we all have. Help us to remember and find comfort and assurance in the words of Jesus when he told his followers that worrying does not decrease the size of the problem, whatever it is, and that we will be cared for even as the flower and birds are cared for. We pray in his name. Amen.

Rev. Dorcas Conrad

Dillon Chapel UMC

March 3 Mission Prayer/Response: Donate a dime for every can of food in your pantry. (But only if you like food)



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