Saturday, March 12, 2011

Devotional 3-12-11


1 Peter 1:3: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Please read these words from Kathy Troccoli, Women of Faith Devotional Bible.

Jesus established hope on the Cross and forever wrote it into history. How do we know hope is alive? Because Christ is alive.

I know of no other topic that I have spent more analysis on than the issue of hope. Without our hope, without our dreams, we wither and die. I have come to fully believe it is the number one reason so many walk around as depressed believers. We have consciously and subconsciously put our hope in things of this world. All of those things eventually die---each and every one.

When they die we feel the loss.

Hope in Christ is, however, fully alive. It will never die. Think about that....a hope that can never be silenced. It's an eternal flame that will never be extinguished. It's living now, and the inheritance it establishes is reserved in the heavenly realms. Look skyward and hope again. Watch Him move on your behalf.

Let's pray: Our Heavenly father, I am ever grateful for the hope You have given me through Your Son, Jesus Christ. I need this hope to sustain me through my everyday. Where there is hope, there is peace in my life. Guide me to use this hope for Your world. Amen

Kay Lewis



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