Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Devotional 3-16-11

John 3: 1-17 Are You Born Again?

I find this scripture reading to be quite a challenge. Over the years, I have discussed/debated/argued its meaning to Nicodemus and Christians today with family and friends. Like Nicodemus, many of us want to read the Bible with a literal interpretation. Jesus reminds us in this passage of the importance of the Spirit!

As we enter the Lenten Season many Christians follow a tradition of “giving up” something for Lent. This can include such items as coffee, candy, pop or other items the individual enjoys. The idea being that to deny yourself something you enjoy will serve as a reminder of the price Jesus paid on the cross. This can be very effective.

However, there is a movement under way where Christians “add” something to their day rather than experience denial. I challenge you to assess your spiritual health! What can you add to your daily walk that will aid your spiritual development? Daily prayer, daily Bible study, meditation, fellowship……..the list of possibilities is endless.

In my work place, safety is a big topic and emphasis is placed on it constantly! We have a program where 3 safe work habits are observed and recorded daily. If there are no violations after 6 weeks then 3 new safety actions are chosen. It seems if we do the same thing every work day successfully it becomes a “acquired” habit.

How about you? What can you add to your day to improve your spiritual health? Lent offers each of us the perfect opportunity to get our daily Spiritual food.

Prayer: Father thank you for the gift of eternal life-give me the strength and discipline to feed my Spirit so I may better serve you!   Amen

Marv Jones



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