Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Devotional 3-20-12

The Son of God’s Reason for Being

The readings for this day are the following: Jeremiah 31: 31-34; Psalm 119: 9-16; Hebrews 5: 5-10; John 12:20-33

In Jeremiah, God says that He will make a new contract with the people of Israel and Judah. It will not be like the old contract that he made with their fathers which they broke, and He had to reject them. The new contract would inscribe His Laws in their hearts so that they would honor Him and truly be His people. It would no longer be necessary for Him to admonish them. Everyone both great and small would really know Him, and He would forgive and forget their sins.

God had said that His people would inscribe His laws in their hearts. Therefore, in Psalms 119: 9-16, one can stay pure by reading God 's word and following the rules. The person has tried his best to find God and asks God to keep him from wandering far from His word. He knows that if he keeps on track and stays focused, he will be held back from sin. I know that it is my prayer to keep focused on God's will. I always need His help to keep on track.

We learn in Hebrews that Jesus was chosen by God to be a priest forever with the same rank as Melchizedek. Melchizedek was mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls as the High Priest. Yet, while Christ was here on Earth, He pleaded with God who was the only one to save him from premature death. Even though He was God's son, He had to learn from experience what it meant to suffer and thus be the giver of salvation of us all.

In John, Jesus knows that the end is near and that His purpose was to die on the cross for the sins of others. He says that if he does not die, He will be alone, a single seed, but His death will produce many kernels--a plentiful harvest of new lives. He cannot ask His father to save Him from this death because it is the very reason He came to Earth.

Let us Pray:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Let us always remember why Christ came here. It was for us so that we know that we will be forgiven because of His suffering on the cross. Keep us focused and on track in following what You would have us do.

Carolee Brown



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