Sunday, March 10, 2013

Devotional 3-10-13

Psalm 32:5 Then I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not hide my iniquity; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD," and you forgave the guilt of my sin. Selah

32:7 You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with glad cries of deliverance. Selah

Though there are many theories on the meaning of the word ‘selah’, there are two that I feel led to use. It might be a cue to really spend time to consider the value of the wisdom being shared. A second thought is that the word is rooted in Hebrew words meaning ‘to praise’ and ‘to lift up’. I encourage you to keep these in mind through this reading.

Both of the above verses mention God’s care for us. However, the words paint almost opposite pictures. In verse 5, “I did not hide”, while in verse 7, God is “a hiding place for me.” How can these two pictures come together in our heads and our hearts?

When I was in college studying music therapy, we practiced relaxation through imagery. A brief explanation is that a person or group relaxes with eyes closed. Over soft music, a leader directs the group to close their eyes and relax the entire body. Then there is a description which guides the group in creating visuals in the mind. I have for you one such ‘verbal sketch’, bringing together my mind’s picture of the two selected verses.

Life is a sometimes torrent of challenges. Yours might be stress at work, physical ailment, or concern for others. *Imagine yourself standing in the midst of a tornado of these challenges, gray and ominous, whipping around you and threatening to tear you from your roots. While this all continues on every side, you realize that you stand alone before God, sins and mistakes painfully exposed. You couldn’t hide them, of course, if you wanted it. He allows you to mourn your transgressions. Like any parent, He smiles at the maturity shown in your remorse. Just when you think you can’t withstand any more, His arms envelope you like huge wings. They are strong and warm. “Selah!” You collapse in exhausted relief. You now have time to allow yourself to relax, head to toe. (That’s a cue; I recommend actually trying to relax one part at a time, beginning with your head, progressing to the tips of your fingers and toes.) Through His protective embrace, you see the dark sky and hear the violent wind. It doesn’t touch you, for you are surrounded with a strong warm glow. You have been delivered from your stressors. “Selah!” This glow encases you in such a way that you must move a bit more slowly, but this allows time for you to weigh your decisions more clearly. What is the next decision to be made? Clear your mind and ask for His guidance.*

You know your challenges are there, but if you allow God to protect you, these issues will not taint your heart and mind. “Selah!” Weigh the value of what the Bible shows that He has given you, and praise Him for this amazing gift. God is good ALL THE TIME.

Natalie Wray



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