Saturday, March 27, 2010

Devotional 3-28-10

Gracious and loving God,

It’s the weekend, and wow, are we tired. We plop in our easy chairs as we turn our faces towards the fridge and the next basketball upset. You have had a hard week and you drop to your knees and pray as you turn your face towards Jerusalem. In the garden you asked the Father, “Let this cup pass from me,” but in the end said, “Not my will but Yours.” His will was that we should see grace beyond comprehension. And you entered the city. May we this week not take the bypass around the city and end up at Easter Sunday, but follow in the wake of the lowly donkey -- the lowly donkey that was called into service because the Lord needed it. May we be so needed by you. As we follow, we hear the cheers HOSANNA, HOSANNA, crucify him, crucify him, HOSANNA, crucify… This is going to be a tough week for you. It will get darkest just before the light.
“It’s Friday but Sunday’s comin.”
“We know the rest of the story.”
“We are Easter people.”
All true, but let us not get there so fast. Let us walk the road with you and know and understand that your sacrifice was great and your gift immeasurable.
We pray these things in your name. Amen

Steve Matthews

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At 4:48 AM, Blogger bob said...

Steve, I've been often been amazed in thinking about the scripture and how it portrays Holy Week. It's like Jesus knowing the end was coming wanted to cram as much teaching in as physically possible. So if we jump to Easter we miss the lesson.


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