Monday, March 22, 2010

Devotional 3-23-10

The Prayer shawl ministry is one of the ministry of J.M. that is dear to my heart. Since we started the ministry I have made a few shawls, although not as many as my aunt Isabelle Marino who has made over 300 plus. When I start a shawl, I pray for the person, that I don't know, for God to bring comfort, healing, support or joy, which ever is needed by the person to whom the shawl will go to.

Sometime when I am making a shawl I have difficulty staying on task without making a mistake, like dropping a stitch or staying in pattern. When this happens I put it down and come back to it later. It seems like I will get nudge to get it out and finish it. It is like God is telling me, "I have someone who needs comfort from your shawl, FINISH IT!" So I finish it!

A few weeks ago I finished a purple shawl and took it to church and laid it on the altar rail for blessing. Well, there is a co worker of mine who may have a tumor or cyst on the base of brain and spinal cord or could be M.S. Another co-worker was telling us about what was going on and passing a card for us to sign to send to her. Well, I knew where that purple prayer shawl was going. I didn't know that her favorite color was purple; God Knew all along. God works in mysterious ways. He knew where it was going all along, and He lead me to finish it.

What a wonderful ministry to be a part of. You are praying and asking for God to bless the recipient of your finished shawl and you receive a blessing as well.

I saw her when she was at the hospital for tests. She was so thankful for the shawl that she kept around her most of the time. I can only hope that, whatever the tests show, the the shawl will give her all the comfort, support and blessing in a way only God can do.

I would like to invite anyone who would like to get involved in this ministry contact me and you can do His work too!

Dear Lord,

Thank you for being there to guide us when we started this prayer shawl ministry. Thank you for keeping us to the task of finishing shawls when you know someone needs comfort. Thank you for everyone who is involved in this ministry. Lord, reach out to those who might be interested and give them a little push, saying "You can do it" "Don't be afraid. I'll be there with you!"

Let them know they will also be blessed by being a part of a wonderful ministry. You never know who will be the next recipient.
Only God Knows!
In Jesus Name,

Melanie Herr



At 2:59 PM, Anonymous B. Lavalley said...

I wanted to share with you that I also received a prayer shawl from your ministry in December 2009 and my husband a few years ago. The one I received was purple, my favorite color, and meant a great deal to me also. A friend requested it for me and I found that I kept using it even after my surgery/recovery. I consider those prayers, and the work put into the shawl and that love still brings tears to my eyes. Now when I wrap myself in my purple shawl, I use that time to pray for others hoping to continue the cycle each of you started.

Thank you to every caring Prayer Shawl Maker! It means so much and makes a difference.

Barb Lavalley


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