Monday, March 15, 2010

Devotional 3-16-10

The Power of a Praying Parent

Psalm 9:10: Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

When getting together with friends both at church and outside of church, we always end up talking about our concerns for children. As parents, we are always worried about whether our children are doing well or are struggling, are in trouble or are a work in progress. Recently, an invitation on Facebook to join the Power of a Praying Parent web site made me aware that there are thousands of parents like me who are praying daily for their sons and daughters. This group began when Moms got together to collectively pray for their children. Their devotions were then chronicled in the book entitled “The Power of a Praying Parent” by Stormie Omartian and on the web site by the same name. There are prayers for healing, prayers for loneliness, prayers asking for strength to make difficult decisions, prayers asking God’s help for addictions, prayers for intercession, prayers for young men in trouble, and prayers for newlyweds, to name a few. I was struck by the number of mothers’ prayers that were answered. These Moms thought it was time that children and young adults be lifted to the Lord in prayer as they grow and face the challenges of life. I was humbled when I read their stories and realized more than ever how important it is to tell our children, grandchildren, and young adults about our Lord Jesus Christ and to have faith in God because when alone He is the only one they can turn to. I realized how important it is to strengthen ones faith in these times when our Faith is being attacked at all levels in our secular world. Nothing sums it up better than the song “Above All Else,“ written by Ms. Omartian and sung by Debbie Boone:

So much to say and just a lifetime left to say it.
How quickly time passes.
If I had my way, I’d keep you safe within my arms
While the storm of life crashes.
I won’t always be with you, my child, but words I can give.
When the winds of hope are dying down, these words will live
Above all else, know God’s the One who’ll never leave you.
Look to Him above all else.
He is love you can depend upon, a heart set to care
If in the darkest night you should be lost, He will be there.
He’s the Everlasting Father
In His hands you’ll never fall.
He’s the One who holds it all,
Above all else.
He’s the Keeper of our tears,
He’s the One who you must fear
Above all else.
He’s the Giver of the kingdom
Bought for you right from the start,
And He’ll ask you for your heart
Above all else.
So much to say
And not enough time left to say it.
Just love the Lord
Above all else.

Let us get together in churches and in groups and keep praying for those we love the most.

Gisela E. Kemper



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