Thursday, March 04, 2010

Devotional 3-5-10


Do you ever question who you are, where you are, what you do? Sometimes upon hearing of something brave or self-sacrificing that another person has done, do you wonder if you are where God wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do?

This morning in the Herald-Dispatch I read of a fourth year medical student at the Marshall University School of Medicine who, upon learning of the earthquake in Haiti, took a month away from his family and his studies to go to the island and do whatever he could to alleviate the physical suffering and distress. How wonderful, I thought, to be able to do that, to have the skills to help in this way.

Then I read in the Upper Room Devotional Guide of a man, an accountant in Illinois, who wrote, "Often I am overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty.....what should I be doing for the Lord? When? Where? How?" Upon reflecting and reading from Jeremiah 29:4-7 he realized that God had put him where he is, to do what he is doing, to be a faithful witness, and to cease wasting time in needless worry and concern.

God has placed us where we are; we must do the very best we can for His glory and to further His kingdom in whatever way we can however ordinary it may seem. He has a purpose for each one of us. How blessed we are!

Jean Dean



At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jean
Your words are so true. I did not realize for sometime that I am were God called me to be. Some years ago I kept looking for something else and every time I thought I found it, a door was closed to me. Soon I realized that God had me where he wanted me to be.
Rick Warren's Book "The Purpose Driven Life" explains God's purpose for each of us.

Grace and Peace Jean
Fred Herr


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