Friday, March 25, 2011

Devotional 3-25-11

While we were yet sinners!

Romans 5:6-11

I admit I prefer not like to think of myself as a sinner and I believe I am part of a sizeable company in feeling this way. However, I am also very aware of being uncomfortable in those rare instances when someone has said in response to some action of mine, that I am a saint. So, who am I, and what kind of individual do I long to become?

The apostle Paul in writing to the church at Rome and indirectly through them to us is talking about the hope we have within us. In the opening verses of the Fifth chapter Paul calls on us to rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. And why are we to rejoice in this hope? We rejoice because we have been justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ and through him we have gained access by faith into the grace (Christ’s grace) in which we now stand. Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit is the one who enables us to stand firm in the midst of sufferings and trials and yes, even through our failures including those where we try to do things on our own.

Lent is a time of reflection and renewal. A time for us to remember who we are and whose we are. It is not that we are to forget who we are the rest of the year but in this time leading up to the joyful celebration of Easter and the Resurrection that we pause and recommit ourselves to becoming the people, the individuals in Christ Jesus we were created to become.

It is true, Jesus continues to loves us even though we are not perfect and often far from it. We on the other hand all know people and likely are among those who have said at one time or another, ‘if you love me you will do so and so.’ And often we try to live up to their request, especially if we value them as being important to us. Bit look at how differently Paul describes God’s love. “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Now I know that as long as God gives me breath there will be times when I fail to be the person of faith God calls me to be, I also know that “having been reconciled, we shall be saved through his (Christ’s) life.” What remains is for us to seek to live and to love as Christ Jesus has shown us the way.

Prayer: Gracious Lord, thank you for your love, a love that knows no bounds. Thank you for loving us even while we are yet sinners. Help us Lord to seek to follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Enable us to draw closer to you this day and in the days to come that we may grow into your likeness. Amen.

Rev. Thomas Malcolm



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