Sunday, March 20, 2011

Devotional 3-20-11

Have you noticed how we are exposed to certain words over and over again. I don’t remember using the word “redemption” very often. Maybe as a child we redeemed the green stamps for something; I am not sure for what!! My thoughts have focused on this word. Why is it used so much? The movie REDEMPTION has been very popular. What is redemption and what does it mean? The dictionary says it means to release from sin, to buy back, to deliver from sin.

Then there is another word that people toss around a lot. DELIVERANCE (another movie) meaning to set free, rescue, release.

What do these words mean in our lives? We are released from sin, we are set free by the love and forgiveness of God. What does it mean to us? It is our gift from God. We should celebrate it. The words of this hymn make it more clear.

This is a day of new beginnings, time to remember and move on, time to believe
what love is bring, laying to rest the pain that’s gone

For by the life and death of Jesus, God’s mighty Spirit, now as then, can make for us
a world of difference, as faith and hope are born again.

Then let us with the Spirit’s daring, step from the past, and leave behind our
disappointment .guilt, and grieving, seeking new paths, and sure to find.

Christ is alive, and goes before us to show and share what love can do .This is a day
of new beginnings, our God is making all things new.
As we go thru this Lenten season, we relive the story of Christ’s torture, his death, and his resurrection. Do you wonder why he went thru all that he endured? He did it all for us. He showed us that we can have redemption, and we can be delivered from our sins and set free. That’s why we can believe that this is a day of new beginnings. May our humble prayers be in thanks for a father who wants us to live in his love forever.

Marilyn Holleron


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