Monday, April 04, 2011

Devotional 4-5-11

No More Dry Bones

Almost every time a violin student quits taking lessons, parents usually say that they don’t have time to practice. The novelty wears away, and the well of interest becomes hopelessly dry. It’s such a shame to hear, because they rarely give it a fair chance. A little bit of sincere effort can lead to such a gratifying experience. To “deny oneself” by putting time into something can yield great results. We all have something we’d love to do… if we just had more time.

To give up a luxury during Lent, while keeping genuine spiritual focus, always leads to personal fulfillment. To sacrifice of our time is even better, because it can also positively affect others. Donating time to the church-- from pulling weeds outside to attending services within-- would be the best form of giving more to get more. In most cases, we know it’s not about having time; it’s about making time.

One of this week’s scriptures is Ezekiel 37:1-14. I’ve read an encouraging comparison of those “dry bones” to some churches, saying that God can breathe new life into a church just as He did those bones. It would be amazing to see our Church revitalized. More fellowship, more unity, and more children!

Ezekiel didn’t believe those dusty bones could be revived, and we might sometimes feel as though the church is beyond (literal and spiritual) repair. God can make the dead walk. One bone connects to the next, which connects to the next, and so on… until the body is complete. Just think how He can use the living to wake a slumbering church. One person’s actions add to those of the next, and the next… until the complete body bustles with renewed vigor. Let us make time now to pray for the life of the church and find ways today to help it along. In closing, I quote the closing line of the well-known song about Ezekiel’s dry bones: Hear the word of the Lord!

Natalie Wray



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